Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Ferret Blog

Checkout our new casual Ferret Blog over at blogspot.com

I hope you enjoy it and as always leave your comments and feedback!

I Love Ferrets!

Hey all, I just wanted to tell you a quick story of the ferret brigade.

On the weekend me, my wife, my dog and two out of our five ferrets went for a walk, we had no idea where, but we wanted to walk, so you know what, we did!
As we got a bit further one of our ferrets started to look a little tired so we decided to head on back, they were absolutely loving the walk though. In the end we had to carry our ferret because he was so sleepy, but there is nothing better than a ferret cuddle so we didn't mind. Further a long the walk our dog even started to get tired, now if you knew our dog this is very unlike him, it was only because we had taken him for a huge walk the day before.

So as we carried on walking along we suddenly realised that, we were carrying our dog (yorkshire terrier) and one of our ferrets, but our big ferret was still plodding a long like they hadn't even been for a walk!

This was our cute ferret Bentos, he is a big ferret and is extremely lively, he loves walks more than any of our other ferrets he even managed to tire out our yorkie which was crazy. When we got back he even wanted to play some more!
I just wanted to share this story of The Ferret and The Dog as opposed to The Tortoise and The Hare, if you have any stories of your ferrets then send them into us @ferretscare on twitter or info@ferretscare.org

I hope you had a great weekend like we did!

Rob Stevens - Ferret Guru

Monday, 20 September 2010

Back to Work!

Hey all, back to work again, thinking of our lovely little fuzzies at home waiting for us to return!

Last night I saw the cutest image of my ferrets, one was sleeping slightly on top of the other like they do, and they were asleep touching noses!
I tried to quickly run upstairs and get the camera, but by the time I came back down they had moved, they never move normally when they are asleep, hehe.
Oh well I will get some more cute pictures soon and get the ferrets onto the web once again, tonight I might try and get a video of them, if they will stay still that is.

I hope you all had a good weekend, continue sending us your fun ferret stories and we could put them on our website if they are interesting enough (if they are about ferrets then they are going to be interesting enough!)

P.S. Checkout our favorite pages at ferretscare.org: Ferret Biting | Ferret Guide | Are Ferrets Good Pets

Have a great day back at work!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Weekend almost over... Send us your funny ferret stories!

Hi everyone, well the weekend is coming to a close! I hope everyone had fun.
Send us your funny ferret stories and we would glady post them up on our blogs!

Ferret Guide | Ferret Biting


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Rob Stevens - Ferret Guru

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Hey all, hope you are having a great weekend!

Hi everyone!

I wanted to see how everyone's weekend is going and if you can then please send us a comment or suggestion at: info@ferretscare.org
We love to hear feedback on our blog or website and would love for you to join in the discussion with us.

If you own a ferret yourself you could find these two pages extremely beneficial for you the Ferret Guide and Ferret Biting pages.


Continue having a great weekend guys and I will post some more pictures and videos as soon as possible!

Rob Stevens - Ferret Guru

Some of our favorite pages over at ferretscare.org

Hey all I thought I would share with you a quicker summary of our favorite pages.

Does your Ferret Bite?
Ferret Biting
This page gives you some excellent tips to help when your ferret is biting, it has some excellent knowledge so remember to save it as a bookmark and refer to it when ever you need to.

Ferret Care Guide?
Ferret Guide
The ferret guide page is a review of some of the best ferret guides available, they do cost money but the wealth of knowledge inside these guides is incredible.

Are Ferrets Good Pets?
Are Ferrets Good Pets
Just a quick article about ferrets being good pets, they are excellent pets. We give you a look at some of the games you can play with ferrets to concentrate on the fun side, but also a link to a large ferret guide if you would like a great amount of information.

Easy Ferret Care By Charlie Robins?
Easy Ferret Care
This page is a quick summary and review of the ferret ebook written by Charlie Robins, worth a look if you have ferrets or are looking to get ferrets.

Ferrets - Good As Pets?

Hey everyone, we have a new page up over at ferretscare.org - Are Ferrets Good Pets

We have written it from the view of what games you can play with your ferrets, this lets you understand how ferrets interact and if they are good pets.
Also we provide you with a link to a full ferret guide which will let you understand all the complexities of our lovely ferrety friends.

Friday, 17 September 2010

The Story Of Buffy The Ferret

Buffy is my favorite ferret of all time, I know we shouldn't have favorites but well she is!
She unfortunately passed on a couple of years ago, but she was the kindest sweetest ferret I have ever met, she never complained once! hehe.
She would lick your nose or lick vitamin paste off your finger and never ever bite, not even remotely open her mouth just poked her tongue out to lick the vitamin paste.

Well we got her a long time ago and when we had her all of our older ferrets started to pass away and she ended up being all alone (not for long! hehe).
We got her three brothers to play with, but one of them was extremely nasty, so in the end we built a brand new cage for her and got her a sister, they loved each other!
Her sister was called Kat and she was lovely too although she did have a thing about toes and wanted to nibble them!

I thought I would share with you the story of my favorite ferret of all time, if you have any favorite ferret stories then please email us: info@ferretscare.org or leave a comment below.

I hope you enjoyed this post, cya soon - Rob Stevens.

Ferrets Pictures

Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy!

Ferret Guide | Ferret Biting

Looking forward to a Ferrety Weekend?

Hey all, I hope you are looking forward to the weekend, maybe full of ferrets, frolicking and fun!
I am just posting to say we are going to be taking our ferrets for a walk this weekend, just to give them some open space again, we walk them almost every day, but only out the back.
We are going to take them out this weekend!

If anyone has any interesting ferret stories, pictures, videos or anything ferret related then please send them to us at info@ferretscare.org or leave a comment below to have a chat.

If you are on twitter then consider following @FerretsCare we would love to tweet with you!

Here are a couple of ferretscare.org's favorite pages: Ferret Guide | Ferret Biting , let me know what you think of them!

Have a nice weekend - Rob Stevens.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Page No.2: http://FerretsCare.org/are-ferrets-good-pets/ - New Pages on ferretscare.org

Ferrets Care.org new Pages!

#1 New Page: http://ferretscare.org/ferret-for-pets/

We have some new pages over at our main site, worth checking out if you love ferrets, I will be posting them throughout the next hour so stay tuned!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Ferret Ramblings

I would love to know if ferrets love people more than dogs, they really do appreciate seeing their owners and have a great look on their face when they can see you. One of the main reasons I love ferrets is that they will wander off a little bit and be really curious, but they love nothing more than the attention of their mom and dad!

They just love to be around us, they will try to play with us all the time and constantly try to get us to let them out of their cage even if we are going to work!

Does any one have any comments or discussions regarding this?

I think one of the magic things about ferrets is their constant need for attention, some people see this is a problem when looking after them when in fact it should be seen as one of the benefits of having a ferret!

I hope you enjoyed this little rambling about ferrets, if you need anymore information then check out our Ferret Guide page.

Ferret Guru - Rob Stevens!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Cheap Ferret Cage?

Hey guys, I found a cool guide, might be worth a quick look over at Cheap Ferret Cage .com, check it out and let me know your thoughts I am wondering if it is any good?
More ferret pics and videos tomorrow !

Cheap Ferret Cage?

Hey guys, I found a cool guide, might be worth a quick look over at Cheap Ferret Cage .com, check it out and let me know your thoughts I am wondering if it is any good?
More ferret pics and videos tomorrow !

Hope you enjoy these cute ferret pictures!

Some Ferrety pictures to look upon!

Ferret Guide

Ferret Disease - Check this out!

Hey guys and girls, I wanted to give you some heads up and tips on ferret diseases, here is an article for you to feast your eyes upon and I hope you get some great information from it.
If you need more information that the article gives you then have a look at our Ferret Guide

Ferret Fun - Facts And Trivia About Pet Ferrets

<p>Prepare for ferret fun facts.The history of ferrets like most animals is full of funny facts and interesting tales. Hopefully you found them as interesting as I do.</p> <p>Their great to use to improve your ferret knowledge, test your children, or even use in a quiz. Let’s dive right in…</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>- A male ferret is called a Hob where as a female ferret is called a Jill. Baby ferrets are known as Kits (or kittens).</p> <p>- Ferrets are easy to train. They have been used in hunting, to carry wires along pipes on oil rigs, and even ferret racing. So litter training and good manners should be pretty easy. You can learn more about ferret training by checking out... Train a Ferret</p> <p>- Ferrets have an average length of roughly 20 inches. Although the men can be double the length of the females.</p> <p>- Ferrets are carnivorous. They love eating protein and shouldn’t be fed much fibre at all!</p> <p>- Luckily no-more: A game played in pubs throughout England was called ferret legging. A gentleman would tie his trouser legs tight to his ankles, two ferrets would be inserted down the legs, and then his trousers would be tied at the waist. We can be sure the men would be bitten a lot. The last man standing was declared the winner!</p> <p>- They may have poor vision, but they have fantastic smelling and hearing abilities.</p> <p>- The Latin name for ferret is Mustela Putorius Furo. I wonder if you'll remember that one in a weeks time!</p> <p>- An average ferret litter is 6 - 8 but can be up to 12! What a lot of babies!</p> <p>- Ferrets may enjoy a life of around eight years or longer! Hopefully this means you'll enjoy a long and happy time together!</p> <p>- Ferrets have been domesticated for over 2,000 years and originated from North Africa!</p> <p>- In the 1200’s the English Royal court consisted of a Ferreter. It even turned out to be fashionable for members of the clergy have ferrets as pets!</p> <p>- Like dogs ferrets can do all sorts of tricks! Many ferrets can be trained to roll over, pass through a maze, or play Fetch. More information on this can be found at: Fun Ferret Training</p> <p>- Bathing a ferret too much actually makes them smell worse! Their skin can become irritated and the oils of their fur be dried out!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It's my hope that you enjoyed these funny facts about ferrets.&nbsp;In fact Ferret Facts are all over the place! An example of this that you might not know is that ferrets are close relatives of the skunk? And now you know where the smell comes from, Tehe.</p> <p>If you want to discover even more about great ferret care check this out:... Ferret Guide

Video of Vinny, Freya, Bentos, Beauty and Angel!

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P7240074.AVI (1874 KB)
Hey all, hope you like the video! I will be posting some photos soon too!