Ferret Blog | A Blog For Ferret Lovers!
Hey welcome to my Ferret Blog, this is my personal ferrety blog as opposed to our information site over ferretscare.org - I hope you enjoy it here and leave some good feedback!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Monday, 12 December 2011
Work Christmas Challenge
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Snowy Ferrets! - http://ferretscare.org/
Hey all, just bringing you a quick update of the snow in Norfolk, it is crazy at the moment, there is so much snow everywhere!
Look after your ferrets and keep them warm because it is going to be a cold weekend!!Saturday, 2 October 2010
Hey all, I will be posting some videos over the weekend, I hope you enjoy them I have about four to post.
They are videos of my cute ferrets I love them very much.
We have two ferrets who live inside and they are extremely tame and have never bitten once, the other ferrets who live outside are tame but you have to be on your toes at all times, literally with one of them she loves ankles heh.
A lot of the ferret play we do with them usually is based on Ferret Games we find on the internet, they are extremely interesting and fun to take part in, so try them out yourself and let us know how you get on!
Oh well time to log off and go play with the ferrets, have a great weekend!Cute Ferret Video!!
Visit our video pages over at youtube to view some more! Hope you like it!
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Ferret Blog
Checkout our new casual Ferret Blog over at blogspot.com
I hope you enjoy it and as always leave your comments and feedback!I Love Ferrets!
Hey all, I just wanted to tell you a quick story of the ferret brigade.
On the weekend me, my wife, my dog and two out of our five ferrets went for a walk, we had no idea where, but we wanted to walk, so you know what, we did!
As we got a bit further one of our ferrets started to look a little tired so we decided to head on back, they were absolutely loving the walk though. In the end we had to carry our ferret because he was so sleepy, but there is nothing better than a ferret cuddle so we didn't mind. Further a long the walk our dog even started to get tired, now if you knew our dog this is very unlike him, it was only because we had taken him for a huge walk the day before.
I just wanted to share this story of The Ferret and The Dog as opposed to The Tortoise and The Hare, if you have any stories of your ferrets then send them into us @ferretscare on twitter or info@ferretscare.org
I hope you had a great weekend like we did!
Rob Stevens - Ferret Guru